AP Offers Greater Course Selection
There are more AP classes than IB classes
AP classes are short (1 semester or 1 year), allowing students to take many
AP Exams are Cheaper
AP Exam registration costs ~ $80 with math and science tests being subsidized in some states
IB Exams cost several hundred dollars each
AP is Better at Science and Math
AP classes in science and math are generally viewed as more rigorous than IB.
Students are allowed to double up on math/science classes (my junior year I took 2 AP math classes and 2 AP science classes)
AP Provides Scheduling Flexibility
Pursuing the IB diploma requires taking 6 classes.
Students who go the AP route can choose to take as many AP classes as they wish. They can also pursue non-AP classes such as dual credits, "honors," or extra curriculars
AP Students don't have to take a language or art credit. However, if they want to, they can pursue many whereas IB Students can only pursue one
AP Capstone is Basically the Same Thing as the IB Diploma
Though I haven't taken AP Capstone, many of my friends have. This pilot program requires students to write a thesis similar to the IB Program. So, for students interested in that aspect of IB, there is now an AP alternative
AP is Convention
There's a lot more free, online material to assist (like my website, BooksAreLong.com)
College admission counselors are more familiar with it
It might be viewed as more legitimate
Employers (when trying to find an internship in high school) will understand what AP is
AP Exams are Easy to Self-Study
For the most part, it's just facts and some critical thinking
Princeton Review and Barons are really good at "guessing" the exam