恭喜恭喜! 我去年9月份交入籍申请,2月份宣誓,四月份父母B1入境,6月22号父母绿卡申请寄出去,7月5号打指纹,10月18号接到130批准,10月22号接到485批准,10月24号收到绿卡。在detroit。 关于材料,其实就两个地方有点tricky 第一是体检,找当地专门办这个的小诊所,我找的这个好像是专门办这个的,又便宜,又标准流程,按他说的做就是了。 第二是父母公证。 总共有我自己的出生公证,还是我15年前在国内办的。父母在国内办了结婚公证,户口本翻译公证,父母的出生公证。父母没有出生证,就是国内通行的出生公证。 其他都是按程序办 Document Document Name Beneficiary -Father Beneficiary -Mother Check $535 I-130   $1140 I-485  $85 biometric fee $1760 $1760 Photo Two (2x)  passport-styled photos X X Passport Copy of  Beneficiary's Passport, including visa pages X X I-94 Copy of Admission  Record X X Form G-1145 E-Notification of  Application/Petition Acceptance X X Form I-130 Petition for Alien  Relative X X Form I-485 Application to  Register Permanent Residency or Adjust Status X X Form I-693 Report of Medical  Examination and Vaccination X X Form I-864 Affidavit of  Support X X Form I-131 Application for  Travel Document X X Letter to support  I-131, travel purpose, departure/return time X X Birth Certificate Notarized Birth  Certificate of the Beneficiary X X Beneficiary Both Marriage  Certificate Notarized Marriage  Certificate of Beneficiaries X Household Record Notarized  household registration of beneficiaries (HuKou) X Petitioner Citizenship Proof Copy of  Petitioner's Naturalization Certificate X Birth Certificate Notarized Birth  Certificate for the Petitioner X W-2 Petitioner's W-2  2016, 2017, 2018 X Tax Return Petitioner's Tax  Return, 2016, 2017, 2018 X Paystub Most recent  paystub X