我7周-10周的时候恶心和吐的最厉害,最集中时候也就有一个星期每天吐一次, 后来就是隔几天吐一下
最近恶心感消退很多了, 昨天还呼哧呼哧三伏天开着空调吃麻辣火锅, 吃的时候感觉自己胃口真的回来不少 开心呀
再过两周去看医生, 应该可以做大B超了吧
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我发现跟其他月份比, 1月份的宝宝比较少....其他月份都四五十个, 咱们楼包括着2月份的才19 个啊....
上次MACYS SALES时,我买了几件中性色的,男宝女宝都能穿的。准备LABOR DAY时再买一些。 等到THANKS GIVINGS 再买,我怕走不动了。
Finally find it! My due date is Jan 13 2009. Yesterday I went to see my OB and was supposed to do the first trimester screen (the first ultrasound). However, OB said it is too late and you might not be able to do it since you are 15wk0day. It turned out she was right. The baby was too big to do it... But luckily, I found out our baby's sex~~~ It was such an exciting moment! It is a boy! My husband could not focus on work for the rest of the day after I told him the news. He was so eager to see the photo... Good luck to each every Mom here!
好惭愧啊.. 从来不象MM 这么有规律的饮食... 而且我现在基本上不吃什么蛋白质...55555,肉不吃,鱼不敢吃太多, 鸡蛋不想吃...
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