两年前的时候,我几乎得到了一个我们行业top one company 的offer, 这是两年前人家给我的回信,可是我那时候怕老板,他又不给我办opt,同时我怀孕了,就错过了去这个大公司的机会,虽然拿到master后,一边生宝宝,带宝宝,读博士,可是心里很不痛快,而且我们专业很偏,老板在行业里的影响力很大,但是现在越读越痛苦,索性从一个月之前开始找工作,是换了专业找的,现在拿到两个onsite,但是怎么和人家解释我又读了博士,又要quit 呢,另外H1要10月份才生效,我又没有opt了,如果cpt,那老板知道公司的名字,马上就能把这事给搞砸,心里好烦啊
I would definitely encourage you to discuss your career options with your
: professor and family as well. Take your time and discuss these concerns
: with them. When you are ready - email me some preferred times in the next
: few months when you might be free to spend about two days in our company
: to see our facility and interview with some engineers. We will cover
: you travel costs and can probably accommodate any time you prefer.
: After the visit, we will discuss your credentials and if things went well
: will make you a job offer to start after your work at your university.
MM, I don't know how tough your boss is. I always think being a mother is more difficult than finding a job. I believe you'll get a good job
From my experience, the best policy is to just tell the truth. 我在国内读研时,实验室的师兄告诫我千万不要让大老板知道我在考GRE准备出国,因为以前有个师兄偷偷考G不来实验室让老板知道了大发雷霆。我想了想跑去和大老板说我想出国,不过我会保证好好干活,他很高兴,从此我就光明正大的在实验室背单词了。他后来给我和我LD(当时还是BF)都写了很好的推荐信。当然我的老板虽然很严厉但人很好。我在Ph. D.第三年生了宝宝,找工作面试时都实话实说了,好象没影响拿offer。我觉得如果公司不能理解你的情况,以后工作也不会太开心。