诶,这就是中国人可悲的地方。我有个美国同学,79年的男生,超级帅锅一枚,MBA第二年开学已经找到毕业的工作了,找的准老婆比他大4岁,有两个小孩,一个8岁,一个5岁,看他facebook上全家福的照片,真的不觉得她配不上他,而且他们还是他刚开始读mba的时候认识的,long distance, 女的一直在老家等他读完第一年回去订的婚,两个人都没什么钱,男的靠奖学金读的mba。如果放中国,一个是top school的mba,一个是离婚或者守寡拉扯2娃的中年妇女,怎么都走不到一起的啦。
我具体忘记多少月 反正是可以看出肚子挺大的。因为我这件事情才知道原来引产和流产不太一样 印象很深刻
abortion =! late term abortion.
It is significantly different. Most states in America allow abortion till week 12 which is the end of first trimester. If she was showing, she has definitely passed the first trimester. I did not quite show until my baby was 7, 8 months. By week 16, some women can feel the baby move in your belly. By week 20, most women can feel. It is a life not just a set of cells.
[此贴子已经被作者于2010/11/7 11:17:17编辑过]
a? for real? wow......thought it was only allowed by the 3rd trimester?
MA is 12-14, NY is before 20 I believe. one of my friends had a mid-term abortion because the baby had brain demage and could not be born lively. But MA law forbids abortion beyone week 14 so the couple had to drive all the way to NYC to do it. It was such a heart broken journey for them. They saw the baby face on a 4-D ultrasound in Boston Children's hospital and it was just like a real picture...I can not imagine a genunie woman can choose late term abortion abortion of a healthy baby if she knows all the truth about it.