All inclusive 理论上不要tipping的,都包了的。老美很多都不给的,老美论坛上的讨论基本都是说在all inclusive,tipping is not expected but appreciated。我带小娃去,觉得挺麻烦人的,所以给餐厅服务生和整理房间的小费。楼主分享就分享吧,这么自恨和好为人师也是醉了。
yuko 发表于 1/9/2017 1:53:08 AM [url=][/url]
This resort is all-inclusive. Onsite food and beverages are included in the room price (some restrictions may apply).
Gratuities and taxes
Gratuities and taxes are included.
虾米 发表于 1/9/2017 2:32:02 PM [url=][/url]
Completely a personal decision as mentioned. If it helps at all, the following seems to be "norm" and/or how we tipped - of course, everyone does as they are comfortable with, so certainly nothing is ever written in stone when it comes to this topic:
$1-2 -- Baggage handler at airport (should you choose to make use of their services to get your luggage and take you to your transfer - same on departure)
$5 -- transport driver (drop off and return - resort an hour from airport)
$2 -- porter at resort
$2-$3 -- buffet dining
$5 -- a la carte dining
$3-$5 -- daily for housekeeper
$2-$5 -- daily for fridge restocking (not always same person as housekeeper)
$1-$2 -- every second round of drinks (some people choose to tip a larger lump sum after being at bar/beach/pool for any given period of time in a day/evening - we went this route)
$5-$10 -- spa treatments
We also chose to tip:
-- the young man ($2 once) who carted the beach lounger cushions back and forth every day and evening.
-- the young man who climbed a tree outside our room to bring us two fresh coconuts one day ($1)
-- the older gentleman who tirelessly raked the beach twice a day ($2 twice)
-- taxi driver on shopping trip ($3 each way - short distance)
-- private excursion driver ($10 for both ways, about an hour trip each way)
-- crew on private excursion ($20)
Everyone is different - do whatedver you are comfortable with and enjoy your trip! The Dominican people are some of the most hardworking, genuinely kind and friendly people I've ever met - a smile, "gracias" and going armed with a little Spanish is very appreciated, and a wonderful way to demonstrate respect and appreciation :D
wearefamily 发表于 1/11/2017 9:22:03 AM [url=][/url]
wearefamily 发表于 1/11/2017 10:04:56 AM [url=][/url]
浣熊妹妹 发表于 1/11/2017 6:54:57 PM [url=][/url]
落地花生 发表于 1/11/2017 9:25:07 PM [url=][/url]
wearefamily 发表于 1/11/2017 9:00:12 PM [url=][/url]
wearefamily 发表于 1/11/2017 9:52:45 PM [url=][/url]
wearefamily 发表于 1/11/2017 11:53:13 PM [url=][/url]
你难道都看不懂中文吗,我看别人付小费,是想知道all inclusive的小费应该怎么付,正好有家中国人吃完饭,喝完酒,拍屁股走人,小费一份没付,所以我连个参照体系都没有。想想我是怎么也做不出来这么low的事情,就上网来问问,发现这里给的建议普遍朝最cheap的方向走,有些还理直气壮的说不给。如果说我来呼吁中国人要给fair的小费,就是来找骂的,那老天爷看着,我就做一下牺牲又怎样
wearefamily 发表于 1/12/2017 12:24:00 AM [url=][/url]
我们正常人的逻辑和智商在你看来很深奥吧,都能叫show off了。被大家骂的很高兴吧,不用谢。
who cares,呼吁国人给fair的小费,that is it
我的帖子里只有facts,你们全程在show off自己的智商和逻辑好不好,哈哈
wearefamily 发表于 1/12/2017 12:36:57 AM [url=][/url]
原来你就近距离观察了一家中国人就推断出整个中国人群体不爱给小费的结论,你知不知道吃formal dinner可以把room credit也当作小费签给waiter呢,或者别人在吃饭中途就把小费塞给waiter呢?你没亲眼看到人掏现金并不代表他们没给小费。这些道理lz拒绝接受,她的脑海里就是认为国人里她是楷模,她是标杆,她的小费给的最fair。你说她的只有10%,人家说你就盯着别人给的几块钱。10%跟20%才差几块钱呀,lz给的1块小费是0的突破,把lz跟她所谓的cheap的人远远的分开。
小小羊 发表于 1/12/2017 12:37:31 AM [url=][/url]
更年期老花眼的妇女们请继续,俺要去睡了,这个帖子也不回了。楼主最后要说的是,楼主全程说的是一个facts以及呼吁大家给fair的小费,至于你们要用逻辑和智商去解释这个facts和看待这个呼吁,这个是你们在show off逻辑和智商啊,千万别再把楼主扯进你们可笑的逻辑里。
wearefamily 发表于 1/12/2017 12:46:59 AM [url=][/url]
更年期老花眼的妇女们请继续,俺要去睡了,这个帖子也不回了。楼主最后要说的是,楼主全程说的是一个facts以及呼吁大家给fair的小费,至于你们要用逻辑和智商去解释这个facts和看待这个呼吁,这个是你们在show off逻辑和智商啊,千万别再把楼主扯进你们可笑的逻辑里。
wearefamily 发表于 1/12/2017 12:46:59 AM [url=][/url]
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