德国2024年将会军事援助乌克兰80亿欧元, 并且推进绕过反对国家匈牙利的500 亿欧元援乌计划。 原来德国人还没有被冻死啊~~~~
Germany Expects EU Deal on Ukraine Aid Package, Even Without Hungary
- Budapest blocked €50 billion at leaders summit in December
- National guarantees to raise funds in markets could be Plan B
By Michael Nienaber
December 28, 2023 at 9:53 AM EST
Speaking at a regular government news conference in Berlin, Foreign Ministry spokesman Christian Wagner said Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s coalition government will provide military support for Ukraine worth €8 billion in 2024 and Berlin will continue to “campaign vigorously” for the adoption of the bigger EU aid package worth €50 billion early next year.
qqyxgz 发表于 2024-01-01 14:02