以下是引用lunayang77在2006-5-30 16:53:00的发言:以下是引用flyingpiggy在2006-5-27 15:34:00的发言:以下是引用lunayang77在2006-5-24 17:39:00的发言:偶门下个月也准备去REGISTER 一下.婚礼在10月.偶打算注册的时候就穿一件白色SILK的DAY DRESS, 配白色蝴蝶结的鞋子. 偶觉得不要太隆重八, DAY DRESS 就好了.头发花束之类偶还没想好,有没有MM交流一下?
register 不需要dress up 吧? 我和我老公都是jean+t-shirt. Everyone who was waiting there wore very casual clothes.
这两个不同的么? 汗...我还以为是一样的呢..不是也要两个证婚人,可以交换戒指的么? MM给解释一下?
If you just register, then usually you are not required to have witness, but it totally depends on the state. Basically, to register is to get a piece of paper which allows the minister to sign on it when you "really get married" (in the end of your wedding ceremony) .
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-30 17:16:23编辑过]