Wenyi Xu爆炸性新闻!连自己两岁女儿都不放过!

"In addition, Xu is charged with manufacturing child pornography of her own toddler. According to the complaint, photos and videos of the baby were found on the suspects’ phones."


Google Glass 都用上了

For the Davis incident, both Bowen and Xu were equipped with eyeglasses that
had cameras built into them.


The first occurred last spring at a Folsom-area elementary school, “where 
Xu attempted to expose herself to boys in the area,” the document says. “
When Xu asked why he was videotaping her exposing herself to boys, Bowen 
replied that it was in order for him to get ‘excited later.’ ”

[此贴子已经被作者于2013/9/12 16:00:42编辑过]