section 121, it is doable.
section 121, it is doable.
请问投资房gain税率为什么只有20%-25%?就算只有40万卖房收入的话联邦marginal税率已经32%了,还要加上ordinary income,楼主至少也有20,30万吧
ritter 发表于 2023-12-31 08:06
It is capitol gain tax
NewID2017 发表于 2023-12-31 08:42
First 1031 buy the house you want to live in
then convert to primary immediately
simple like that!
1031买的出租房 短期内不能改自住房 好像有一年还是两年后才能改
而且由于这个一开始就是出租房 只能prorated
只有一开始就是自住房的才适用2/5 rule
你们能想到的漏洞 都早就被堵上了
你是不是傻 发表于 2023-12-31 15:02
Prorate is not the concern - you deferred tax. And that is why 1031 is powerful.