你知不知道SNZ artificial insemination schedule on Meixiang was dictated by China side. If you indeed care for Panda welfare, you should know SNZ already announced last year that Meixiang will no longer receive such procedure. 中国的自媒体无非是兴风做浪, 无中生有。 我希望他们一家三口 stay in DC and enjoy happy life here
YaYa deserves the best care and most love, 希望她有一个happy life from this moment and onwards
zhaochenab 发表于 2023-04-09 22:55
我关注丫丫和乐乐好几年了,和SMZ 以及ALT相比,they had lived in a hell in Memphis zoo. It is so depressing watching them on the panda cam. YaYa and Lele suffered mentally and physically. I pray for yaya to leave for a better life. Memphis zoo should rot in hell.
能不能客观一点,这是bubble bath as a enrichment. Qiji 和meixang 都很喜欢。taste a bit bubble water 就是abuse??真是欲加之罪 何患无辞。如果真的爱护熊猫,就多关注YaYa