1.我觉得可能是衬衫不非常合身的问题.但是实在也没必要弄那么合身的衬衣.我的建议是干脆就别穿衬衣,穿件质量好些又比较plain的knit top就好了.那样不会给人不职业的感觉,没问题的.
3.长了的话改短就好了,很容易的.重点还是腰胯合适.自己不愿意弄就找dry cleaner之类弄一下.
Totally agree.
My advisor said as long as you do not have black suit with brown shoes, you will be ok. Looking professional and confident and having good rest are the key. There is really no need to worry too much about the details of the suit.
I am going to have 25 interviews (first round, not campus visit) in August, averagely about 8 each day for three days. I really do not have time to focus on the details of the clothes. I would rather focus on learning more information about my interviewers.
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