什么APP告诉你,体重128磅需要吃130克蛋白啊?这已经是 >1g protein/1lb weight, elite athlete这么吃差不多, Caroline Girvan的所有训练都达不到那个级别啊。
一般推荐1.4-1.7g protein/kilogram body weight/day, 这是NSCA里推荐的饮食标准。
"In general, strength/speed athletes should consume 1.4 to 1.7g of protein per kilogram body weight per day, even if their sport or training includes an aerobic endurance component. After resistance training, younger individuals should consume at least 20-25g of high-quality, high-leucine protein, while older adults should consume 40g or more to maximally stimulate muscle protein synthesis.. Adult athletes should eat meals containing at least 20-30g of protein..."
Caroline Girvan在YouTube上的训练是针对普通大众的, 肯定不会有特别重的heavy lifting, 就当娱乐, 抱着“动总比不动强” 的想法去跟她就好了, 她的运动量和普通运动员比都差太远, 所以完全不必那么严格的吃蛋白质。
如果非要多吃, 那直接上蛋白粉就好了。