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07-03-01 11:51操作
where do you live? DC or LA?
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07-03-02 12:51操作

wow...... i'm so impressed.

i wish LZ all the best. 

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07-03-03 10:28操作

wow............I'm in DC too, I wish I could be friends with you guys.... 

What did you LZ mm or Darkmoon mm do before you guys got married?  ---- i know, it's a very personal question.... please don't feel offensive~~~

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07-03-04 16:58操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-3 11:21:00的发言:

What did you LZ mm or Darkmoon mm do before you guys got married?  ---- i know, it's a very personal question.... please don't feel offensive~~~

Not at all!!  No worries!!  Darkmoon is NOT dark at all, hehehe...  In fact, she is very cute and pretty, with the brightest personality.  She was a student before she got married.  I was at her wedding.  Her husband is a lucky man!!

Me, hmmmmm, I worked in the marketing dept for a bank, then me and my friend owned a PR firm, I sold my share to him after I got married.  Right now, I am kinda useless...

wow............I'm in DC too, I wish I could be friends with you guys.... 

Email us, and maybe we can do coffee, lunch, or whatever... 

Doing lunch with Darkmoon today, you all have a great weekend!!

I feel so flattered!!  Thanks for your invite! 


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07-03-05 14:40操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-5 14:30:00的发言:

One more dress story for today...  I have to start charging my readers now...  hahahaha

Brown Velet dress -- I have been debating whether telling this crappy story behind this beautiful dress or not.  This one is not cute or funny like all others.  Well, life can not always be so perfect, right??  So, I am sharing here...  A heart broken story...  A few yrs ago, I was dating this prominent young lawyer from Washington DC (yes, another pain in the ass lawyer!), IQ 182, (EQ -182 I think), Harvard grad (my husband too, I like intelligent man), the only BIG problem was he was not divorced.  With his political background, I tried to be very understanding and  protective, not only that,  I was making more money than him at that time, so, I took care of his broken wallet too.  I guess love is blind and unconditional.  I took him to a fund raise event one evening.  We came in as a couple, and I introuduced him to some of my business associates.  Suddenly, I saw him walking away from me.  He shaked hands with this Asian man, and started ignoring me...  My 6 sense give me a chill on my spine core.  I knew something was fishy.  But I acted as a lady, I stayed calm, waited and waited and waited for an explaination...  Finally, he "sneaked" back to me, and whispered "...I just met my wife's friend over there, lets keep low profile, dont make a big deal of us...", In another words, "Get lost Chynadoll".  I was more sad than mad.  I said OK.  Then I said a few more HIs to my friends, and I left the party.  That is the only dress I have only wore one time.  It still sits beautifully in my closet, hehehe...  Ending of this story -- I used my "ren chai liang kong" experience to have my 1st class husband right now.   Never give up of what you want in life!!!  [em21][em21][em21]

wow... i'm so impressed that you will keep it.  also, it's so real to hear a 'bad experience' from such a positive person.

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07-03-06 10:26操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-5 18:04:00的发言:


Silly you!!  Timing is everything as I said before.  Being a wife (all men are dogs) and a mother(all kids are pain in the butt) are the toughest job in the world!!  I told my husband that he needs to pay me a 6figures salary at least.  Tell you something funny -- the weekend in LA, hubby took me to Polo Lounge in Beverly Hills hotel.  After a glass of wine, hubby told me "look at that blondie, she is a hooker", I said "really, how do u know, how much do they charge an hour", hubby said "look at the way she dresses, she is asking for it!!  Her, I would say $500 hr".  I looked at blondie said "she is not that hot.  If she charges $500 hr, honey, you owe me A LOT of money."  My hubby was laughing so hard, and called me a Goofball.  See, men are dogs, what we women have to put up with???  A TOUGH job!!  It is called "dou zhi dou yong"!!

totally loved your response.  'men ARE dogs'!!

after what you explained, now i'm expecting MY timing to be a housewife...

you are so cute...  yeah... kind of goofy sometimes.... 

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07-03-07 10:56操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-6 18:11:00的发言:

totally loved your response.  'men ARE dogs'!!

hahaha...  I am glad you agree with it.  Even my husband agrees with it too.  I also told him if he has to be a dog, be a good dog like Labrador who is smart, loyal, and trainable, hahahahaaaaaa.  His nick name is Lab at home.  We women are the trainers, we have to know how to hold the leash.

Actually Lab is my favorite.  They are almost perfect.  I think you are so cute to give him this pet name. 

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07-03-10 10:18操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-9 22:16:00的发言:

PS.  A joke from my husband today.  Husband said one of the lawyers in his NY office asked him what is his secret to have a happy marriage.   His ANSWER  is "Both me and my wife are in love with the same man"!!!  I was laughing soooooooooo hard!!  He is a total goofball!!!

Loved the joke.  sounds like your husband is not only a highpower, blueblood lawyer, but a wonderful fun person.  he is so sweet to you too.... lucky you, chynadoll!! 

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07-03-13 12:03操作

sounds like interesting night with Mrs. Clinton

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07-03-14 10:24操作

LZ, i have quick question.  when you get Nu Bra, do you go down a size, or go up a size?  I mean, if I'm cup B, is Nu Bra size A better for me? 

[em14]  sorry, i asked a very technical question... xixi....[em06][em08][em10]
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07-03-14 15:17操作
以下是引用chynadoll20170在2007-3-14 11:01:00的发言:

LZ, i have quick question.  when you get Nu Bra, do you go down a size, or go up a size?  I mean, if I'm cup B, is Nu Bra size A better for me? 

A good question!!  BUT, not a Bra expert here, sorry[em03]!  I went to VS, and they sold me my normal bra size of this Nu-bra.  I didnt even know if I need to down/up size it as you asked here.  Well, if there is a choice, I would prefer to go up one size [em15] instead of going down cuz I would have nothing left [em03][em03][em03]... 

This reminded me another funny story when I was working in the bank (my olden fun days).  Me and my manager Denise were both petite, flat (I thought I was a little better than her, just a little, hehehe).  One day, we were wondered what is the difference between Push-up bra and Miracle bra.  Denise said call VS to ask.  Sure, a great way to find the answer!!  So, I picked up the phone and called.  The answer was -- push-up bra, just like it worded, it pushes up your boobs.  But miracal bra, not only it pushes up, it has the extra padding, so, your boobs look bigger.  After I told Denise the answers from VS, and I said "...so, I guess I should get the Miracle bra then..."  Denise laughed at me and said "honey, if you dont have it then you dont have it, there is NO miracle in that department..."  [em08][em08][em08]  I had this permanet ego damage by Denise ever since. 

After married the hubby, I told him I would like to remove this "ego damage", and he ensured me once again he is only up for the natural beauty, and I will have to suffer this damage for the rest of my life [em03][em03][em03]... MMs, feel sorry for me yet???

OMG....  I had a similar experience with you.  my best friend and i are both flat-chested and i'm worse than her.  one day we were talking about how to dress to 'hide this disadvantage'.  after about 30 mins of discussing her body type (tall, bigger hip, long legs), i tried to make myself feel better and said ' i guess i don't mind my small chests any more if i don't get fat'.  my best friend said, 'really?  coz it would really bother me if mine is like yours.  you almost don't have any!!'   gee~~~~~~~~  i mean i love her and everything and we are still best friends, but it really really really hurt my feelings. 

so, i guess it's your turn to feel sorry for me.   and i have more stories like these to tell  [em14][em03]

actually as i grow older, i really don't mind too much about it. 

if someone is gorgeous, she just is so.  I mean, look at Michelle Pfeiffer.  She, as she told magazine herself, is the poster child for flat chested.  She still looks amazing in clothes.  i know... let's not forget her face and other body parts, i.e. legs.  Anyway.  charms beam from within. 

sorry.... back to what i've asked.  thanks for Lz's response. [em11] I'll just get cup A from VS. 

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