以下是引用hwamama在4/30/2013 5:06:00 PM的发言:
不好意思不太清楚有沒有發錯板>< 今天接到一個對我人生蠻重要的老美教授問我可不可以參加他的RETIREMENT PARTY 從來沒有參加過美國人的退休派對, 我四年多前讀本科時曾經在他手下當過助教跟秘書一年多 . 所以關係很好的那種 , 一直都蠻密切的聯絡, 當時她也挺提拔我的,......

you can politely decline and offer to take her out for lunch or dinner sometime, then you'll have more opportunity to talk with her, vs having to " share" her with lots of other guests in the fancy party where you wouldn't know anyone but her. you can give her a nice card if you're taking her out for a meal. enjoy! :-)

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