以下是引用lindahuan0110在4/7/2013 9:42:00 PM的发言:
Sorry can't type Chinese. 国内一个朋友打电话让我帮她带避孕药回国,朋友说国内避孕药副作用大,让我带美国这边安全的长效避孕药。我自己从来没服用过避孕药,所以完全不清楚。想请问各位美妈们,请问有什么长效避孕药推荐吗?另外,一般是每天服一颗吗?我朋友说最好是一个月一颗那种,我都从来没听说过有。。 还有,避孕药需要去ob那里开吗?一......
But birth control pills here have lots of side effects, let alone they are prescriptions. A friend of mine died of blood clog caused by one of those kind. She was young (early 20s), active, warm and pretty, but never woke up from her sleep. It still feels unreal, but she's been gone for quite a few years. Please be sure to check in with your ob doctor if you decide to go with the pills. Life can be very fragile a lot of times.
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