(参加活动)去年的Grand Teton:)

去年暑假和朋友一起去了Grand Teton,很漂亮,特别喜欢那个长长的瀑布。当时去的时候迷路了,我就在路上随便抓了一人问。可是他是俄罗斯人,英语竟然不怎么会。我们没一个人听懂他说了什么,就听他一个劲的说,water fall,good!哈哈,小插曲。。。我们hiking了4个小时,好多人啊,那么窄的小山路,几次都要停下来让人。。在没吃饭的情况下爬山,饿的我啊,几次低血糖就要犯了。。。唉,只能喝水充饥。。。。。还是没爬到最顶上。不过也差不多了。很尽兴,听说能漂流的,我们时间紧就没去。。好多老人和小孩,我们感觉我们的体力都不如他们呢,去了一趟感觉人一定要加强锻炼。恩。。[em15]

Grand Teton 的介绍:

Located in northwestern Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park protects stunning mountain scenery and a diverse array of wildlife. The central feature of the park is the Teton Range — an active, fault-block, 40-mile-long mountain front. The range includes eight peaks over 12,000 feet (3,658 m), including the Grand Teton at 13,770 feet (4,198 m). Seven morainal lakes run along the base of the range, and more than 100 alpine lakes can be found in the backcountry.

Elk, moose, pronghorn, mule deer, and bison are commonly seen in the park. Black bears are common in forested areas, while grizzlies are occasionally observed in the northern part of the park. More than 300 species of birds can be observed, including bald eagles and peregrine falcons.






[此贴子已经被dollhouse于2005-6-18 18:42:17编辑过]