mm 我已经把我所知道的情况都说清楚了,你在这里为什么不说全呢?我来公布一下通信吧:
you confirmed to buy the gift cards on Feb 10 Sunday. I mailed the cards on Feb 11 Monday, from Arkansas. the mail might be processed the next day, anyway, there should be a post mark on the envelope indicating the date.
On Feb 20, a purchase of $49.57 was made in a Niagara Falls NY factory store. the card was handed to the cashier manually. (besides, a factory store purchase can't be made online, must be local.)
On Feb 22, you notified me the balance difference.
apparently the card was used after it was delivered,
because I mailed it from Arkansas, the card was used in NY later. and I don't think any USPS person would have a way to use it in NY, since the destination is NC.
anyway, my only responsibility is to safely ship the card, and I don't assume responsibility for taking care of the card after it is delivered to you.
PS. you can find my shipping policy in all my posts:
1st class mail, (not responsible for shipping loss.)
1st class mail + delivery confirmation, (buyer tracks by USPS.)
if lost, buyer redeem the gc online asap. (H&M and Express can't be used online. )
thank you.
什么叫apparently the card was used after it was delivered啊
我周四收到的卡,也就是21号, 22早上准备重新order一张才发现balance不对
这种卡我不可能在手上留很久的, 你要是查以前你卖给我的gc记录, 你都可以看到, 我拿到卡号以后都会马上重新换一张或者用掉.
而且, 你跟我说的是会重新从jcrew order一张$500的卡. 而我没有像你承诺的收到一张新卡, 而是一张balance有错误的旧卡和几张邮票! 有现在怎么倒全变成我的责任了??
gc我已经重新换掉了, 希望你能把差额 $49.57 x 0.86 = $42.63 退回我的boa帐号
I'm surprised that the mail arrived to you as late as Feb 21.
anyway, if you check the envelope, it indicates the date I sent the mail was around Feb 11, and from Arkansas.
However, the card was redeemed in the state of New York, on Feb 20, by handing the card to a cashier manually. (again, the only way to spend a GC in factory store is Local, not online.)
Besides, I'm in Arkansas and there's not even a single store in the whole state.
the above is the truth that I know. and above all, I know that I didn't use it by myself, and I don't see that I was involved in this issue in any manner.
I'm sorry this thing happened to you for whatever reason that I'm not aware of, but at least I don't have any responsiblity in it. I have honestly finished everything. so I won't accept your request for refund.
I've basically repeated what I said in my first email. if you could provide any proof that I have anything to do with the balance loss, please do so. otherwise, my point of view won't be changed.
yes I said 会重新从jcrew order一张$500的卡. but as you can see, there's not even a store in my whole state. and I feel uncomfortable with ordering a new 500 GC online, because Jcrew billing system consumed a lot of time when processing similar orders before.
by putting in stamps, I thought the cash value was made equal to a $500 GC. if you feel it's not appropriate, you can send the stamps back to me (use one of them for postage, so it costs you nothing), then I'll refund you $3 by BOA.