以下是引用SSLOTUS在2007-3-6 23:25:00的发言:
做俯卧撑,配合拉伸, 我觉得比哑铃效果好。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 23:45:21编辑过]
做俯卧撑,配合拉伸, 我觉得比哑铃效果好。
[此贴子已经被作者于2007-3-6 23:45:21编辑过]
that is called "byebye wave"
triceps muscles can be tricky to develop, that is why many women have flabby arms.
hehe, thanks buddy.
He is much better now. woke up at 8:45 this morning. I think he was over tired during the weekend.
see, maybe he is adjusting his living schedule for the daylight saving
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