I have the same problem,I didnot reduce much of my diet, but keep running twice every week, each time 30 mins, then I do some weights for about 20 mins. But I didnot reduce even 1 pound for several months lah. what is wrong with running, I wonder?
以下是引用qqcomo在2005-3-13 22:46:00的发言:
跑步的关键是慢而长, 保持跑步时的心率是最大心率的60%-70%是有氧运动,也是减
肥最有效的。MM 千万别着急,要耐着性子慢慢跑,跑快了不仅累,而且没减肥效果。
我现在一周跑3次,一次3 MILE 左右,不到一个月牛仔裤已经变松了,小肚子也明
so encouraging yah. so I should keep running , increase time every week and period for each time, hope it will work for me too.