以下是引用水流云在在6/19/2013 4:49:00 AM的发言:
回smallx :雨林哪个走的不长?半mile以内的有没有?
Ancient Groves Nature Trail 0.6 mile loop 很好走, 但不是accessible
Marymere Falls is 0.9 miles one way from Storm King Ranger Station. (The first 0.5 mile is accessible)
HoH Rain Forest Visitor Centor旁边有两个0.8和1.2迈的trail, 是完全accessible的, 木板搭起来的那种
南边Lake Quinault 的也都是雨林
Maple Glade Trail is a 0.5 mile loop Accessible with as sistance
这些雨林的trail都不用走到头, 除非有瀑布.
这里有更多day hike http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/dayhikes-printer-friendly.pdf
云MM能推荐下forks的旅馆吗?貌似网上能找到的只有motel还有些B&B,tripadvisor上的review看到好的基本都book光了,剩下的看review不敢定。我们主要是去hiking,在cabin lodge 住一晚,然后去forks住两晚,最后在 Lake Quinault住一晚。回smallx :雨林哪个走的不长?半mile以内的有没有?
Ancient Groves Nature Trail 0.6 mile loop 很好走, 但不是accessible
Marymere Falls is 0.9 miles one way from Storm King Ranger Station. (The first 0.5 mile is accessible)
HoH Rain Forest Visitor Centor旁边有两个0.8和1.2迈的trail, 是完全accessible的, 木板搭起来的那种
南边Lake Quinault 的也都是雨林
Maple Glade Trail is a 0.5 mile loop Accessible with as sistance
这些雨林的trail都不用走到头, 除非有瀑布.
这里有更多day hike http://www.nps.gov/olym/upload/dayhikes-printer-friendly.pdf
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/6/19 4:51:04编辑过]