劣质羊绒,扎银, 而且是越穿越扎的那种![[em10]](https://emojis.huaren.us/static/emojis/v1/default/em10.gif)
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-23 19:54:07编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-23 19:54:07编辑过]
COOL. which kind of 丝带? where to get it? I always spend $8 to get the pants altered in jcrew local store.
我买了af, at的羊绒,这一件一点都不比那些扎人。
NO offense. Compare it with some other single color jcrew cashmere sweaters of this year you would know the difference. After all I bought this exact one and return it immediately without second thought.