Yeah, I took those pictures myself. Thanks for your compliment. You should share yours, and let us decide whether they are good or not
I like them at lot! especially the first one. I tried to take pictures of those decorations, but hated to change lens :) so most of them came out pretty bad.
Is that 马蹄莲? I have no ideas of who is who . All I did was to take pictures. But I tell you it's really a great event and I am thinking going there next year.
BTW, what kind of camera did you use?
谢谢哈. 我用的是超级大傻瓜数码相机olympus-c740大概
那里面的光线真是暗的可以, 我的手又端不了很久, 又没有三角架, 结果大部分的花儿都虚掉了,气死我了.
有几个setting 真的是满好看的. 比如那些酒杯餐具什么的, 颜色真是亮
我也是第一次去, 不知道明年还在不在费城了, 如果有机会应该还会再去的吧
i know, i mean, i am not sure if i will still be in philly next year. hehe