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[求助] 问个初级问题,可以用精油调香水吗?

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06-05-16 13:30操作
[求助] 问个初级问题,可以用精油调香水吗?

有很多不用混合,本身就很好闻阿, 可不可以调成香水那?在版上找了半天也没找到答案。


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06-05-16 15:07操作

Make your own Perfume 

• Essential oils 
• Pure grain alcohol (Everclear, from a liquour store) Do not use wood alcohols which you buy in stores and pharmacies as they are poison to your body. 
• Distilled Water 

Perfume is simple to make, the trick is to put the essential oils together creating a smell you like. Perfume is made up of base notes (the smell stays the longest on your skin), middle notes (smell stays second longest), and top notes (smell of oil evaporates first). Because the oils all evaporate at different rates the perfume may smell different as time goes on. Below are listed easily found essential oils divided into base, middle and top notes. 

There is some controversy on which oils belong in each group so this is only a starting place. 

• Base notes-Cedarwood, Cinnamon, Patchouli, Sandalwood, Vanilla. Ylang ylang 
• Middle notes-Clove, Geranium, Lemongrass, Nutmeg, Neroli 
• Top notes-Bergamot, Lavender, Lemon, Lime. 
• Bridge-vanilla, lavender (add a few drops to join base, middle and top notes together) 

To make your perfume, mix at least 25 drops total of essential oils divided evenly between base, middle and top notes. Start with the base notes, then middle, then top, smelling as you go. Add a few drops of the bridge oil. Add 2 1/2 ounces of alcohol, shake for a few minutes, then let it sit for 48 hours (or up to 6 weeks-the longer it sits, the stronger the smell). Add 2 tablespoons distilled water, stir, then pour through a coffee filter and put it in a bottle. 

Found from google. Seems doable. Will give it a try.

Wondering if using a single note ( only one kind of essential oil) is OK.

[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-16 15:07:51编辑过]

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06-05-16 15:12操作

Alcohol/Water Base Perfume

4 1/4 teaspoons Vodka
1 1/2 teaspoons Distilled Water
60 drops of your perfume blend (an essential oil or mixture of essential oils)

Directions: Blend all ingredients well and store in an airtight 1 ounce dark-colored glass container. Let sit for two weeks, shaking the bottle 1-3 times daily (more often is better) to mix the oils. After two weeks has passed, filter the perfume through a coffee filter and rebottle (using the same bottle is fine). As with any blends that you use, you must check all safety data for the oils in your blend and do a skin patch test prior to using.

Another piece of helpful info. Thanks to the two MM who replied.

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