以下是引用bubbletea在2004-5-29 11:12:25的发言:![]()
1. 怎样在没基础自信的时候克服紧张表现自信?
2.在末名空间BBS那,怎样看帖方便点? 习惯了论坛方式看帖,对BBS方式看帖感到, 是用同主题阅读,然后开新窗口,或是同一窗口返回看吗?
1. Practice to talk about your useful experience at any chances, including share your experience at bbs. Then you will feel very confident when you talk in front of interviewer.
2. Not much tricky bahh. The most convinient way is the one you feel the most comfortable. Telnet might be a little faster.
[此贴子已经被作者于2004-6-2 14:56:46编辑过]