以下是引用zigzag在2007-12-15 11:38:00的发言:
我的理解和暗香mm一样,genuine leather 是真实的动物皮。主要是牛皮, 但也可能别的动物的。美国有些东西上标的比如鞋子leather upper 也有可能是合成的吧,但是合成成分有动物的皮?这个我不太确定。
genuine leather --------Real leather is from the hide of animal or reptile.
--------- Yes it's taken from an animal. Genuine suede is also from an animal. You know that fur is taken from animals.
---------- Genuine Leather is material created by tanning hides of animals (mostly cows.) However the reason it is called "Genuine Leather" is because it is not "Synthetic Leather" which is not made of tanned hide. The differance is that "Genuine Leather" is more expensive because it is harder to make.
谢谢MM, 长知识了!