This is so weird. If she posts her clothes and accessories here without showing her face, I bet most of the responses would be 'meinv '. I thought the tradition of this board is never taking the word 'meinv' too seriously. I think she has an ordinary looking - so what? I have an ordinary looking also and I believe the majority of the people here are ordinary people. If she is ugly then perhaps a centain percentages of people here are much uglier than she is. Agree? The point is I don't think you call tell if a person has a pretty face by only looking at her clothes and accesories. If we can say 'meinv' again and again to mms here to be nice and friendly, then why so picky to outsiders?
good point~~~~~Though she's a little "作",but that's her job :D
我觉得她有些聪明,有些品味,有些事业~~~这已经是很不错的,也许我目光短浅,不过也算活的比较精彩比较自信的人儿了,虽然脸长的不是标准美人,但是衣着打扮品味还是很不错的,符合自己年龄身份和身材,还是满值得赞赏的,换了我也会叫声 "美女"