Is there any JM who works in a non-profit research organization? How is ur experience? What are the advantages and disadvantages of working in a non-profit organization? A good stepping-stone for a career movement?
Maybe the question is too general, but any insights could bring sth. new...
Got two offers. Neither makes me very happy or excited. More about the place, less about the money. One in the industry, but another in the NGO. Both work for federal contracts or grants. NGO is a little larger, but industry job pays 10% higher. Personally, I like the business environment coz I can be involved in more things. But the NGO is larger and more stable. My supervisor at NGO is a chinese woman. Supervisor in the company is president (small-business).
Have to decide by tomorrow. Tough decision...
Can anybody share any feelings or points w/ me, regarding this?
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-23 15:32:25编辑过]