Just watched a moive he also cast in "sentinel". The other leading actor is Michael Douglas. I would give a B or B- which means worthy a try.
I alreday watched that
the acting part is not so bad, it's just that the plot is so~~~~ old
everyone can guess where the story is gonna go and end
哦,还有,最倒的是,michael douglas演的那个人竟然跟第一夫人有一腿
heihei that's the whole point
My hubby figured out they're having affair in the first 5 min and pined on the suspect when he first showed up.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-10-11 15:38:14编辑过]
哦,还有,最倒的是,michael douglas演的那个人竟然跟第一夫人有一腿
heihei that's the whole point
hehe, the first lady didn't fail him, maybe they did have sth true
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