when i see this one, i just want to beg the academy: please, please, give the little statue to Jake!!!
I wish Heath could win as well....
when i see this one, i just want to beg the academy: please, please, give the little statue to Jake!!!
I wish Heath could win as well....
maggie was in a movie named "secretary". her performance in that movie was praised by a lot of critics. the movie is a little weird, though. it's about SM.
i always wonder why jake looked so young in the day after tomorrow, and then suddenly all grown-up in BBM. the 2 movies were shot only about 2 years apart. then i saw october sky, which was shot when he was 18, but he looked like 14 or 15. i think he's totally transformed after the movie the day after tomorrow, in appearance. though, i can still find some boyish looks from him nowadays, such as his SAG appearance when introducing BBM on stage. most of the time, he looks so mature.
btw, i think jake's voice is so sexy. does anyone agree with me? i hear from people who say that his voice is weird, and i don't get it. i think it's really sexy, especially in Jarhead.
I agree that Jake is hot, but his voice is not yet (maybe wait until he grows older). The one whose voice I think is very sexy is Matthew Macfayden....
did you watch Jarhead? i feel that his voice is so sexy while he's narrating through ...
No, I haven't... funny thing is that I saw the trailer of Jarhead in theatre and didn't realize at first that he was the "Jack" in BBM, nor did I recall him as the co-presenter with ziyi in last year's Oscar...until I saw the clip from iheartjake... man, he looks so different with beard than without. But I like the way he is now, very masculine yet sweet.
这几部片子确实谈不上很成功,都是导演想表达一些更大更深的主题但却没有驾驭得很成功。但是如果你读了imbd上影评的话,你会发现基本上每部片子观众对heath的演技评价都很高,但对导演和片子本身评价不是很高。而且,一个片的好坏有时还有自己去看,imbd上经常一些大烂片拿狂高的review rank, 一些曲高和寡的片拿低分。个人觉得这几部片子都是蛮有可取之处的,但是没有考虑大众口味(the four feathers 除外,这个片还是有点搞个人英雄主义的味道,蛮hollywood style的)。
当然,heath 的演技也是一点点积累进步成现在的样子的。我想说的是他还是属于走演技路线的,可能以前演技不够精湛,没有得到现在的肯定和瞩目,但不能说他是走偶像路线的,因为从21岁以后他就没拍过偶像片。至于观众对他的认识在bbm之前停留在偶像期,只能说他之前演技路线走得不是很成功,不如他拍的偶像片反响大。其实哪个演技派的演员在演技成熟之前不是拍一堆不被认可的片的,这也正常,都有个成长过程,还有机遇的问题。
其实我私心还是希望他以后能走走偶像路线的,这样观众面就大多了,知名度,观众缘也会大大提高。可是如果他下决心不要做star的话,估计就很难看到那一天了。记得他刚出来的时候,大家都拿他和brad pitt比,可是他没有走brad的道路。现在的他也挺好的,率性而为,别有魅力。
totally agree! for example, walk the line got an incredible 8.0... nevertheless, it's true that some of Heath's previous movies were not very well accepted, even by me, who is a big fan of his. Jake is better in selecting movies---I love~~~ his October Sky, even though he was pretty boyish there.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-3-24 3:17:31编辑过]
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