以下是引用justag在2004-8-24 22:34:22的发言:以下是引用cavatina在2004-8-24 21:30:03的发言:
说"a dependable ..." 是说可信赖的, 还是说不独立的 .. 呢?
dependable is 可信赖的. dependent is the opposite of independent, and normally dependent is used as a noun.
以下是引用justag在2004-8-24 22:34:22的发言:以下是引用cavatina在2004-8-24 21:30:03的发言:
说"a dependable ..." 是说可信赖的, 还是说不独立的 .. 呢?
dependable is 可信赖的. dependent is the opposite of independent, and normally dependent is used as a noun.
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