By Kat Giantis
1.Brash and Carey: Here's a little fashion tip that might serve Mariah Carey well in the future: If, after you've shoehorned yourself into a second-skin gown, you discover that your profile looks more than a little like a question mark, it's time to cut yourself out of your constricting couture and head back to the closet. Although this black and white halter dress from Chanel (let's just give Coco Chanel a second to roll over in her grave. OK, moving on ... ) is an ever-so-slight improvement over the cleavage-wielding diva's previous clinging-on-for-dear-life costumes, it does nothing to highlight her fantastically rounded form and instead emphasizes and exposes all the wrong places. The final raiment result is a whole lotta mermaid, a little bit seal and a pinch penguin -- in other words, it's all wet. Also doing Mariah few favors are her blond-on-blond slicked-back 'do and the puff pastry she has planted on the back of her noggin.