我是单身母亲 三年前网上认识了比我大五岁的老美男友 没结过婚 没小孩 本来疫情前还总来往 疫情以后见面不多 但是偶尔短信 。 今天突然来信告诉我这些

I feel really guilty about our relationship. I am 50 and you are younger. I love you and think it is best for you to find a younger man, one with kids so you can merge together. I know you need someone who can be there more for you, and in a family context. You are young, beautiful, elegant, intelligent and very sexy. You are the first woman I have met with a child and I feel I am not there for you how you need, nor am I helpful with that department. I feel bad. Things are getting more complicated for me and I cannot seem to have the balance I need. I would like to still stay close friends, if we can. And I want to still be there for you when you need.  I am sorry, and hope you can forgive me for failing you.

姐妹们帮我看看 分析一下 是不是我们之间没戏了?

fanglu2000 发表于 2021-03-10 00:10

只有我觉得这个男的很虚伪吗。。 。。

吊了三年, 估计早就找了别人, 等他那边稳定了, 然后发个信说分手了。 其实还打算吊着以防万一, 美其名曰stay close friends...