我今年夏天刚刚开始找工作,是学engineering的,PhD, 夏天没什么公司来学校面试,网上投的简历也没有什么回音。于是听朋友的建议在monster上放了一份,两周后,昨天收到一封email,是这样写的:
You posted your resume on monster.com. Looking over your resume, we noticed you have a lot of leadership skills. We are currently expanding in the XXX Market and think you could be a potential prospect for our company.
We are an International marketing company in need of people in sales, marketing, and leadership. As opposed to calling you out of the blue I wanted to e-mail you first. The best way we communicate is over the phone. Please call us directly at the number below so we can discuss your resume qualifications and opportunities with our company. "
我的问题是,我的简历上并没有什么所谓的leadership skill, 简历上都是在学校里做了什么项目,发了什么文章,会什么仪器。他写的sales, marketing, and leadership,我觉得自己好像一条也沾不上。 我在网上查了这家公司的名字,很乱,因为那人的地址里写的是缩写,就三个字母加上个international,好像有一家加拿大的公司叫这个名字,是做什么consulting,staff solution的。 还有就是这个人的email address给的是yahoo的。我昨天收到email 后回家准备了一下简历,问题什么的, 今天打了三个电话,都是留言。
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-6-13 12:36:57编辑过]