无债,一个月4-5千生活零花一家四口啥水平?娃公校。是我生活水平太低?我咋觉得我现在一个月生活费3-4千在低消费区够了呀。要是男方目前一个月能提供4-5千零花开销,有学区房,有车,无债,有多少mm觉得无法过?有多少mm觉得能嫁?mm,4000-5000 is for living cost is way not enough ya.
forgottenrome 发表于 5/11/2017 2:51:48 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2166939&postid=74811705#74811705][/url]
I have one kid, public school. Monthly expense ( not including mortgage) is about 8000.
I barely eat out due to kid has food allegory.
We only travel back to China once per year.
I don't buy much luxury purse( about 1-2 LV level per year).
kid after school activity is very expensive; about 1200-1500 per month. Summer camp about extra 8000-15000 per year.