Qiqi, 给俺留几块...
Missed the sale the other day, 5555555555555
Qiqi, 给俺留几块...
Missed the sale the other day, 5555555555555
U r awesome!!!
Super attractive new soap.
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/8 10:08:08编辑过]
Every soap you made is attractive to me...which means...
★ 发自Android 华人阅览器 4.0.1
I did not recall qiqi said any negative things about your soap. You have the access to fresh milk, most of people do not.
So do not take it personal. =)
I like qiqi's soap and personality, straigt forward just as she post all the ingredients of her soap.
Support qiqi, have a great day and Friday eve, haha...
[此贴子已经被作者于2011/6/23 12:06:41编辑过]
Love the new soaps for Sep. Now my hubby will say "The soap with Chinese charater(ur stamp) on them"