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22-02-21 14:54操作

看到一个疑似搅混水的 气的我再发一遍 让五毛们的领的寝食难安

 我觉得目前我们手里最有力的工具除了持续关注这件事在网上发声 就是推动制裁涉事的官员 让他们无法隐身在这个制度下升官发财 对这些官员来说本人和家属被制裁比整个政府政党被骂更能戳到痛处 也更能震慑他们 

找到自己的house representative的方法: 到这个政府网站输入自己的地址查询 https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative 

再贴一遍之前版上llsch mm的帖子: 大家可以给自己的house representative发邮件要求关注和对伪造证件/捂盖子的政府官员个人实施制裁(根据全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法Magnitsky Act)。

 给house representative 写信的模版: Recently, the story of a chained-up mother of eight in Xuzhou has deeply saddened and outraged the Chinese immigrant community in the US. The Chinese government repeatedly lied about whether she was a victim of human trafficking, issued a bogus marriage certificate to her under a fake name, arrested activists who tried to visit her, and silenced online discussions and petitions, while evidences surface that there may be other victims like her in the same village and human trafficking activities may be widespread in the region. According to a published book, there are over 48100 women victims of human trafficking and sex slavery in Xuzhou between 1986 and 1989. The youngest victim was only 13 years old. 

The local government of Feng Xian and Xuzhou city knowingly shielded and enabled the criminals to conduct severe human trafficking offenses on the mother of eight (who could have been a minor when first abducted) and potentially many other women and girls. Such behaviors constitute "knowingly aiding, assisting, or colluding with an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States". While this leads to inadmissibility to the US in general, the local officials are unlikely to be exposed or prosecuted at all by the Chinese authorities. So these officials not only face no consequences for their criminal acts, they and their families may even reside in the US while their victims suffer in shackles year-after-year. 

The Magnitsky Act authorizes the US government to sanction those it sees as human rights offenders, freeze their assets, and ban them from entering the U.S. I implore you to consider sanctioning the local and municipal officials for enabling such long-term widespread human trafficking offenses. 


Other evidence: 

https://youtu.be/2y-iHeZzqoA https://t.co/FqInkP1NS0 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report 

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/un-human-rights-council-human-trafficking-victim-sex-salve-mother-of-8-needs-to-be-freed-from-shackle 

News: https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2022/02/four-conflicting-statements-on-xuzhous-shackled-mother-of-eight-fail-to-quell-public-outrage/amp/ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60194080 https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-authorities-trace-origins-of-chained-woman-after-footage-stirs-online-anger-11644286645 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/09/china-chained-xuzhou-mother-human-trafficking/ https://nypost.com/2022/02/09/chained-chinese-mom-video-sparks-anger-over-treatment-of-women/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/31/world/asia/china-chained-woman-video.html 

我几年前需要帮助给House representative 和senator都写过信 回复很快 也确实有帮到我 不管有没有身份 我们都是他们潜在的能争取到的选民 所以如果很多人写信的话这个声音肯定是能被传播出去的

bananamm 发表于 2022-02-21 11:45

感谢mm的模版,写得很好,简明且有重点,已经发了house representative

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22-02-21 20:26操作

看到一个疑似搅混水的 气的我再发一遍 让五毛们的领的寝食难安

 我觉得目前我们手里最有力的工具除了持续关注这件事在网上发声 就是推动制裁涉事的官员 让他们无法隐身在这个制度下升官发财 对这些官员来说本人和家属被制裁比整个政府政党被骂更能戳到痛处 也更能震慑他们 

找到自己的house representative的方法: 到这个政府网站输入自己的地址查询 https://www.house.gov/representatives/find-your-representative 

再贴一遍之前版上llsch mm的帖子: 大家可以给自己的house representative发邮件要求关注和对伪造证件/捂盖子的政府官员个人实施制裁(根据全球馬格尼茨基人權問責法Magnitsky Act)。

 给house representative 写信的模版: Recently, the story of a chained-up mother of eight in Xuzhou has deeply saddened and outraged the Chinese immigrant community in the US. The Chinese government repeatedly lied about whether she was a victim of human trafficking, issued a bogus marriage certificate to her under a fake name, arrested activists who tried to visit her, and silenced online discussions and petitions, while evidences surface that there may be other victims like her in the same village and human trafficking activities may be widespread in the region. According to a published book, there are over 48100 women victims of human trafficking and sex slavery in Xuzhou between 1986 and 1989. The youngest victim was only 13 years old. 

The local government of Feng Xian and Xuzhou city knowingly shielded and enabled the criminals to conduct severe human trafficking offenses on the mother of eight (who could have been a minor when first abducted) and potentially many other women and girls. Such behaviors constitute "knowingly aiding, assisting, or colluding with an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a severe human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States". While this leads to inadmissibility to the US in general, the local officials are unlikely to be exposed or prosecuted at all by the Chinese authorities. So these officials not only face no consequences for their criminal acts, they and their families may even reside in the US while their victims suffer in shackles year-after-year. 

The Magnitsky Act authorizes the US government to sanction those it sees as human rights offenders, freeze their assets, and ban them from entering the U.S. I implore you to consider sanctioning the local and municipal officials for enabling such long-term widespread human trafficking offenses. 


Other evidence: 

https://youtu.be/2y-iHeZzqoA https://t.co/FqInkP1NS0 2021 Trafficking in Persons Report 

Petition: https://www.change.org/p/un-human-rights-council-human-trafficking-victim-sex-salve-mother-of-8-needs-to-be-freed-from-shackle 

News: https://chinadigitaltimes.net/2022/02/four-conflicting-statements-on-xuzhous-shackled-mother-of-eight-fail-to-quell-public-outrage/amp/ https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-60194080 https://www.wsj.com/articles/chinese-authorities-trace-origins-of-chained-woman-after-footage-stirs-online-anger-11644286645 https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/2022/02/09/china-chained-xuzhou-mother-human-trafficking/ https://nypost.com/2022/02/09/chained-chinese-mom-video-sparks-anger-over-treatment-of-women/ https://www.nytimes.com/2022/01/31/world/asia/china-chained-woman-video.html 

我几年前需要帮助给House representative 和senator都写过信 回复很快 也确实有帮到我 不管有没有身份 我们都是他们潜在的能争取到的选民 所以如果很多人写信的话这个声音肯定是能被传播出去的

bananamm 发表于 2022-02-21 11:45

楼太高,再引用一次,希望版上出离愤怒的大家看到了都去发声,感谢bananamm和llsch mm的efforts!

我今天下午联系了district congressman, 几小时后就收到回复如下。不管有没有immidiate action,至少信息传递到了更多的人,更多的地方。我相信水滴石穿,聚沙成塔,我们这里微不足道的努力也许就是李莹们为数不多的希望。

Thank you for contacting me regarding the China. I appreciate you sharing your concerns. For far too long, China has oppressed dissenting communities and threatened religious freedom. I strongly stand against these threats, and I condemn any kind of human rights abuses. As a former member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, I will continue to raise my voice to address these issues around the world. If I am given the opportunity to vote on legislation related to this issue, I will be sure to keep your thoughts in mind.

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22-02-21 20:35操作
回复 8140楼VanilaiceCream的帖子

对于非移民签证,DS-160有问“Are you the spouse, son, or daughter of an individual who has committed or conspired to commit a human trafficking offense in the United States or outside the United States, and have you, within the last five years, knowingly benefited from the trafficking activities?” 对于移民签证,485有问同样问题。

只要徐州案相关官员被美国政府认为参与了human trafficking,那么他们和他们的配偶及子女就不可以拿到非移民签证或调整身份拿到绿卡。因为涉案人员和事发地点都在海外,马格尼茨基是我们目前能用来要求美国政府给这些官员打上human trafficking标签的唯一途径。而这个标签一旦打上,不需要马格尼茨基他们就已经拿不到签证了

llsch 发表于 2022-02-21 19:55


USCIS 有个网站



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22-02-21 20:50操作
回复 8210楼overagain的帖子


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22-02-21 23:00操作



isabel 发表于 2022-02-21 22:08

赞!我们要在youtube回复转发留言请大家spread the news and raise the concern。This is an ONGOING CRIME and this is NOT THE SINGLE CASE. Attention and help needed so Chinese women are not living in fear

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