How do you prepare yourself if a guy cheats you with his true intentions?
Joyce1026 发表于 8/11/2018 10:22:49 AM [url=][/url]

Sweetie, you just gotta take your chance and live with any consequences from your decision. No one can guarantee you anything. People change or there wouldn't have been any divorce.
I know where you are coming from but truly being exclusive just means being excluexclusive. Unless you ere in an open relationship which I doubt, you need to be truthful taking the good with the bad. Or just don't get yourself involved to begin with

钱途无亮 发表于 8/11/2018 1:33:22 PM
So true:) 回答lz的问题,我和ld刚开始约会的时候同时约着五个人,多了也确实没有精力赶场子。我一开始就告诉他,being exclusive对我来说是需要谨慎作出的决定,希望大家先慢慢相处了解(这样可以排除一部分想把你迅速套牢的人)他挺着急的但一直在线等着。后来我觉得他最有意思最有火花,就告诉了另外两个还不错的选手我要exclusive了,祝你们早日找到合适的。有一个没有take it well但这也是没办法的事。 关于见几面决定,我觉得你主要是问问自己是不是ready了,开诚布公,尊重彼此随时都能做出自己的选择就行

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