以下是引用译码在7/18/2013 1:29:00 PM的发言:
Wages not counted.Do not count wages you pay to any of the following individuals as social security and Medicare wages, even if these wages are $1,800 or more during the year.
1.Your spouse.
2.Your child who is under the age of 21.
3.Your parent.Exception:Count these wages if both the following conditions apply.
a.Your parent cares for your child who is either of the following.
i.Under the age of 18, or
ii.Has a physical or mental condition that requires the personal care of an adult for at least 4 continuous weeks in each calendar quarter services were performed.
b.Your marital status is one of the following.
i.You are divorced and have not remarried,
ii.You are a widow or widower, or
iii.You are living with a spouse whose physical or mental condition prevents him or her from caring for your child for at least 4 continuous weeks in each calendar quarter services were performed.
[此贴子已经被作者于2013/7/18 13:56:29编辑过]