[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-21 0:30:48编辑过]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-21 0:30:48编辑过]
Portman always thought that education was extremely important. She reported on a talk show saying "I'd rather be smart than be a movie star" and said her goal was to graduate from college even if it ruins her acting career. Natalie Hershlag graduated Syosset High School in Syosset, New York in June of 1999. After high school she enrolled at Harvard University where she graduated with a bachelor's degree in Psychology on June 5, 2003. Portman is credited as a research assistant to Harvard Professor Alan Dershowitz's Case For Israel. She was a research assistant to Dr. Stephen M. Kosslyn's psychology lab as well. In 2005 Portman is pursued graduate studies at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel.
In addition to her native Hebrew and English, Portman has studied and/or can speak (to some degree) French, Japanese, German, and a little Spanish; and she is now learning to speak Arabic.
As student Natalie Hershlag, Portman co-authored two research papers which were published in professional scientific journals:
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