以下是引用turningleaf在2006-5-24 14:47:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-5-24 13:33:00的发言:
以下是引用turningleaf在2006-5-24 2:41:00的发言:
以下是引用coffeelatte在2006-5-24 2:36:00的发言:

find a husband, and to be a housewife..... no offense really... i do envy those housewifves....

no need to get up early in the morning, no worry about money, no need to work hard to make a living....


you can do that too ah.[em08]


my bf never would agree with me on that............[em06][em06]

I think if you really want to be a housewife, probably your bf would have to be ok with that.

maybe he knows you are just whining :P [em03]

 不是每个男生都能那么好,可以容忍stayhome wife的


[此贴子已经被作者于2006-5-24 16:14:28编辑过]