如果嫌现在的iPad大的话今年有希望可以买到7寸的iPad (名字叫iPad 2S?)



New iPad Rumor – Mini iPad Produced Before Summer

According to Digitimes, samples of parts for the wished-for, yet still illusory, 7.85 inch iPad exist. Industry sources reveal that manufacturers in Apple’s supply chain have sent parts for verification, and that production of a smaller iPad could begin as early as the third quarter of 2012.

Consumers want choice in a tablet, and by the way, they don’t all want to spend nearly five hundred dollars for an iPad. A smaller iPad would satisfy them on both counts.

Were it to enter the market, this tablet model would also sway buyers away from Amazon’s Kindle Fire or Barnes & Noble’s Nook tablet and add to Apple’s 60 percent share of the tablet market.

Just how much would a 7.85 inch iPad cost? Sources estimate the tablet would sell for $249-$299, noting that Apple may also release an 8 GB iPad for $349-$399, and the company has already lowered the price of the iPad 2 to $449.

While a 7.85 inch iPad would have some down sides, such as a smaller keyboard and less real estate for tasks like photo editing, it would be an ideal size for reading an e-book or browsing the Web.





[此贴子已经被作者于2012/3/1 13:30:35编辑过]