你先解释一下你的原话 “希拉里被爆料的时间直接影响了选举结果。造成一个我认为伤害美国的人上台。”
你为什么这么fascist?!为了要让你的preferred candidate 上台, 你就希望掩盖事实??!!
i am not entirely happy with trump. One big reason is that he hasn't built a wall, hasn't shut down refugees, and hasn't deported your ass back to wherever you came from! but i am happy that trump is wayyy better than clinton would have been...
beefcuurtain66 发表于 5/22/2017 2:24:50 PM [url=http://forums.huaren.us/showtopic.aspx?topicid=2170820&postid=74888779#74888779][/url]