第三部分关于household income的部分,关于我妈妈的部分,问题Did you or your household member,whose income is being included, file a federal tax return? yes/no
(这个问题 我的理解是写NO,因为我妈妈是B2不用报税)
if you and your household members did not file, select the reason for not filing,and provide an explanation.
1, plan to file the tax return before the due date for this year.
2 ,not required to file a tax return( provide an explanation)
3filed for an extension
(这个问题我自己理解是应该选第二个not required to file a tax return,理由依然是B2不用报税)
junglefree 发表于 2021-02-22 19:51
对。not required to file。理由跟B2无关,而是因为她是nonresident alien。nonresident alien有美国收入才要报美国税。她没有美国收入,所以当nonresident就不用报美国税(看1040NR instructions,“Do You Have To File?”)。如果她是resident alien,那只要她和她配偶的全球收入少于$24800就不用报税(看1040 instructions,“Do You Have To File?”)。
但是I-944 instructions也说如果在外国没有报美国税可以附上外国的税表。我不清楚这个是不是就是代替美国税表。