这个帖子好。我一直奇怪我老公同理心怎么那么差,和他说话经常我说A他和我讨论B, 别人都能get到我的幽默可是他听完了关注点完全在无关的细节上。还有我一个好朋友,人非常好,名校毕业所以肯定不能算笨。可是说话做事总是让人啼笑皆非,就是给人很“二”的感觉。明明没有恶意可是说话经常得罪人。这种是不是也是阿斯伯格?请问楼主有没有讲如何与阿斯伯格的人相处的书推荐?
这个帖子好。我一直奇怪我老公同理心怎么那么差,和他说话经常我说A他和我讨论B, 别人都能get到我的幽默可是他听完了关注点完全在无关的细节上。还有我一个好朋友,人非常好,名校毕业所以肯定不能算笨。可是说话做事总是让人啼笑皆非,就是给人很“二”的感觉。明明没有恶意可是说话经常得罪人。这种是不是也是阿斯伯格?请问楼主有没有讲如何与阿斯伯格的人相处的书推荐?
回复 35楼SMT的帖子
Can a person with Aspergers feel love?
“The answer is simple: Aspies and NTs (neurotypical — someone not on the autism spectrum) choose partners just like everyone else. We’re attracted physically, intellectually and emotionally. We enjoy the similarities for the comfort and the differences for the spice.“
(在这楼之后,我会用 neurotypical 来代表不是 Autism 的人。)
“We also unconsciously seek mates who have qualities we lack. Those with Asperger Syndrome are attracted to a strong, compassionate NT who can handle the social world for them. The NT is attracted to the unconventional nature and childlike charm of the AS adult. They may sense that the Aspie will allow the NT her independence. They find out later that the AS mate isn’t supporting independence — he’s simply unaware of the NT’s interests. The Aspie’s attention is narrowly focused on her or his own interests, not that of the mate.
But it’s important to remember that Aspies do love. They just love in a different way. Just as all marriages face challenges, there are things that can be done to help this relationship. If you are in a marriage with someone with Asperger Syndrome and want that marriage to succeed, you must first learn how to understand your partner.”
MeekSarah 发表于 2021-01-02 00:28
tidewater 发表于 2021-01-02 01:27
我觉得这是个谱系,程度不同而已。有人比较严重,有人只是marginal。但是边缘型的不是说就不需要帮助不需要被理解,分析出某种行为的neurological 原因会帮助aspire 本人和家人朋友更有效地沟通和相处。
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