不晒太阳,窝在家里相当不可取。这就是为啥你姐皮肤尚可,posture很差,没有朝气。看上去象45的。说她40岁年轻,对我太不公了。俺身才,posture比她好太多了。我的朋友45 岁,没有照片里你姐白,可看着比她年轻多了。还有个49 岁的,那更是好了。
太阳可能增加skin cancer概率,但大大减少其他癌的概率, especially those non recoverable cancers, for example, lung cancer, pancreatic cancer, liver cancer. plus no.1 female cancer (breast cancer, though it's recoverable). for breast cancer patients and survivors, docs always recomend walking under sunshine. even for treatment, those treated in summer (with lots of sunshine) recover much faster and better than those treated in winter and have fewer side effects from chemo and radioactive therapies. 而亚裔,如果得skin cancer, 主要部位是手和脚,而不是脸部。skin cancer is not only very treatable but also very detectable (human eyes suffice) in its earliest stage. 15 min to 30 min quality sun shine per week is needed. you can google the benefits of Vitamin D. 户外运动更是好了。减少no. 1 cancer killer, lung cancer's risk. 户外运动 has the benefits of increasing efficient breathing (thus increasing blood flow) + cleaner air than indoor air.