nikon updates its models too slow. Nikon 5700 is from 2002 and still sells for huge price. SONY F707 is from 2001 and now updated twice already. Canon updates too fast, on the other hand; seducing people that wants new toys.

I like my F707 and FZ10. They are better than Canon/Nikon non-SLRs (except the new Nikon 8xxx and Canon Pro1).

投票: - 多选(最多可选10项)
截止时间:2031-11-28 22:06:18

1、Canon (佳能)

138票 / 41%

2、Nikon (尼康)

64票 / 19%

3、Olympus (奥林巴斯)

43票 / 13%

4、Konica Minolta (科尼卡-美能达)

13票 / 4%

5、SONY (索尼)

25票 / 7%

6、Fujifilm (富士)

13票 / 4%

7、Panasonic (松下) Matsushita

9票 / 3%

8、Casio (卡西欧)

4票 / 1%

9、Eastman Kodak (柯达)

7票 / 2%

10、other brand

20票 / 6%
