我对精油Aromatherapy感兴趣。平时也常在屋里点香什么的。 看了网上有人说在房间放essential oil fan diffuser,会让屋子更好的有香味。 "I have an essential oil fan diffuser in my bedroom, and I'll put 15 drops of lavender essential oil on a cotton diffuser pad at bedtime, and it quickly fills my room with the wonderful, peaceful scent of lavender which helps me sleep"。 就有点心动了。搜了一下,好像没有太多商家在卖。 http://www.dreamingearth.com/catalog/diffusers-c-32.html?gclid=COeM-LLD-6ACFRBbbQodS0k1wA http://www.anandaapothecary.com/aromatherapy-diffusers-burners.html?gclid=CO7l2sa6-6ACFRP_iAodXwQLzw 想问一下版上mm,有人买过么?