我跑票了 我支持lz。一开始觉得是lz搞事情 直到我手贱刷了老板娘的小红书。。
niuniudabao 发表于 2021-07-10 13:14
same here. 看到老板娘小红书写着是为了满足妈妈多年的心愿….做盒饭和开私人厨房能是一回事儿吗
我跑票了 我支持lz。一开始觉得是lz搞事情 直到我手贱刷了老板娘的小红书。。
niuniudabao 发表于 2021-07-10 13:14
same here. 看到老板娘小红书写着是为了满足妈妈多年的心愿….做盒饭和开私人厨房能是一回事儿吗
有个ID明摆着转移视线 总结下私厨老板的一堆违法问题:
总之那个什么私厨还是看那个帖子的lz愿不愿意make a deal,否则等着挨锤好了,光是移民局和irs就够喝两壶了。小红书也别蹦哒了,真是受不了这种歪风邪气。
wcy19491983 发表于 2021-07-10 16:38
大概看了私人厨房(Mekho)的规定,有几条拿出来分享一下。老板娘口口声声说都是正规合法的,但是这些规定您都遵守了吗? [url]https://www.cookalliance.org/frequently-asked-questions[/url]
What are the meal limitations of a MEHKO?
A home restaurant cannot sell more than 30 meals, or “meal components” per day and/or 60 meals per week. For example, if you sell 30 meals on Friday and Saturday, then you hit your maximum for the week. “Meals” is not defined in the law, but has been generally described as the amount of food an average person eats in one sitting. (For example, a single tamale would not be considered a full “meal” because the average person would not eat just 1 tamale for dinner.) Your exact quantity will be determined during your permit and inspection process.
Who can work for the MEHKO?
A MEHKO can have no more than one (1) full time equivalent food employee. The home cook may have help from family or household members in food preparation or storage. Any person working with food must have the food handlers certification.
Will I be able to use a third-party delivery service, like DoorDash, to deliver my food?
No, the cook or an MEHKO employee/household member must hand all food directly to any customers. You can either arrange for consumers to eat in your home, pick up food to-go, or your employee/household member may deliver the food on your behalf. You may not contract with a third party delivery service (such as DoorDash, UberEats, Postmates).
熊熊ABC 发表于 2021-07-11 04:55
哇 感谢这位层主总结
唯一想小小澄清的是3.1 从来没有被她高大上的人设吸引,是被“淮扬菜”三个字吸引哒。
- 私厨老板小红书里说到妈妈做饭,妈妈的签证是什么?是否可以合法在美国工作?
- 私厨老板小红书里有50份盒饭合集照片,送饭channel有直接家中自取,各类微信群定餐,chowbus等等,这样是否有符合每年营业额上限不超过5万美元,每天不超过30份,每周不超过60份的规定?
- 私厨老板微信的交易,在自家或者不同小区放饭处的交易是否有存档,准备2022年依法报税?
- 私厨老板小红书里有提到公司面试相关的信息,这些信息有没有得到现任公司许可来网络平台分享?
- 私厨老板在小红书澄清贴里,曾经贴过楼主和chowbus客服的聊天记录照片,以及楼主的个人信息(名字等),请问如何拿到的聊天记录截图和个人信息?
公用马甲3 发表于 2021-07-12 22:23
楼主帮你补充一条,私人厨房cottage food operations permit是county发的(小厨娘所在的county还没有专门用于私人厨房的mehko permit)。里面规定,不可以用任何第三方送货,必须是私人厨房亲自送给客人或者客人去取。如果需要送到其他county,还需要取得此county健康部门的允许。
9. What are limitations on Internet sales and delivery of cottage food products?
A cottage food operator may advertise as well as accept orders and payments via Internet or phone. However, a CFO must deliver (in person) to the customer. A CFO may not deliver any CFO products via US Mail, UPS, FedEx or using any other third-party delivery service. A cottage food operator may not introduce a CFO product into interstate commerce. Additionally, CFO’s can only sell cottage foods outside their county of residence only when the local environmental health agency of the outside county allows it.