Ingredients: Water, L-Ascorbic Acid, Zinc Sulfate, Sodium Hyaluronate, Bioflavonoids, Phenoxyethanol
Let me try
L-Ascorbic Acid: from wholefood store, make it into 5% (fresh made)
Sodium Hyaluronate: we already have it, 就是透明质酸,we can control its conc. into around 1.5&
Zinc Sulfate: can get it from drugstore from nutrient supplement, control its conc. to 2-3%
Bioflavonoids: 就是很火的 vitamin P, we can get it from vitamin world or amazon or anywhere, control its conc. to around 1%
Phenoxyethanol: is a preservative. 防腐剂, its chemical name is 苯氧乙醇(refer to 牛耳爱美书1副录)。it is not necessary and could be replaced by similar preservatives, control its conc. under 1%, around 0.5%.
看来这个配方还有点意思。这个成本真的很低。we can make stock solutions with all the gradients except L-Ascorbic Acid, and add it fresh every time we use.
It is totally possible to make it, in my understanding, and in fairly low cost.